Have you been thinking about investing in property lately? A lot of people consider getting a foot on the real estate ladder to help them establish on-going financial security. The only problem is, some investors often feel as though they have to spend a huge amount of money before they can make anything as a […]
Tag Archives: Investment
Can you afford your real-estate investment dreams? At Home Loan Cash Back, we help you to get the best deal on your mortgage – regardless of what you’re looking for a home loan for. New investors frequently ask us how much money they’re going to need to start buying property, but the unfortunate answer is […]
Sometimes, when you realise that your family or your income has outgrown your existing property, there’s only one thing left to do – and that’s invest in something bigger and better. Although it’s important to make sure that you don’t jump into a home buying situation that you’re not ready for, sometimes, trading up on […]
Remember back when you bought your first home? A few years ago, it was the perfect place for just you and your partner. Unfortunately, now that you have a couple of kids to think about, and a handful of pets in your gang, you simply don’t have enough room anymore. Whether you’re just about to […]
At Home Loan Cash Back, when you sign up for a mortgage with us, we ask you to commit to that mortgage for a period of two years. However, after a few years, you might be lucky enough to discover that you can pay off your home loan ahead of time. Perhaps you’ll win big […]
Thanks to regulations and changing financial backgrounds, the systems for lending money from a banking organisation have changed. In the past, the bank would offer the same variable or fixed rate loan to a prospective customer, regardless of whether you were purchasing the home to live in, or you were buying a property as an […]